Filling materials
New: FIX® filler material in a dispenser box. Available in 3 variants: Air cushion pockets (fixair®), Fix Paper® paper buffers and recycled shredded cardboard mats (Fix Shredder®). Convenient buffer / filling material for small shippers. For large shippers, we naturally supply larger packaging or machines that produce the filling material on site.
Flopak Green® loosefill padding guarantees you an environmentally friendly and optimal protection for your products. Flopak green® prevents damage and has a very high shock-absorbing capacity. Flopack Green is suitable for pointed and / or heavy products and the filling chips do not give off. With this recyclable filling material you fill all empty spaces in your packaging and boxes, so that your goods always remain in place during transport and shipping. Flopak Green® filler chips are supplied in 500 liter bags.